As a follow up to the below post, I got a question asking me to provide an example on what it means to have a... June 27, 2018 BrainyReads | iQuote +
As a follow up to the below post, I got a question asking me to provide an example on what it means to have a... June 27, 2018 AAAA Amma BrainyReads | iQuote Ecosystem Education Kant Langeveld Marx Mega Practice Research SSK Theory Val-U-Pro VanMaanen +
“You don't have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it'll go.” June 13, 2018 BrainyReads | iQuote +
Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring. June 03, 2018 BrainyReads | iQuote +